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Lamrim Chenmo – Insight

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Sunday 1 September @ 10:00 am 12:00 pm

This term we begin the sixth perfection, the Perfection of Wisdom. Why is this the most important of the Six Perfections? Because all of us share the wish to be happy and to overcome duḥkha. We recognise how the situation in saṃsāra is utterly unsatisfactory, but ceasing samsara entails eradicating its causes, and these are rooted in the ignorance grasping persons and phenomena as inherently existent.

By meditating over time with the wisdom directly perceiving emptiness, the levels of afflictions and their seeds can be gradually cleansed from one’s mindstream. Continued meditation gradually removes the cognitive obscurations—the latencies of ignorance and the factor of the appearance of inherent existence—from the mind. When this wisdom is complemented by faith, collection of merit, and bodhicitta, full awakening is on the horizon!

This is in-depth study group meets fortnightly, and is suitable for established students and the committed beginner. Please feel free to try out a class to see if the material and presentation suits you. Each class will have readings from the root texts, and an opportunity for questions and discussion in real time (either live or type into the chat).

“All afflictions are overcome
through overcoming ignorance.
When dependent arising is seen,

ignorance does not arise.
It is the only doorway to peace;

it destroys wrong views;
it captures the attention of all buddhas—

this is called selflessness.”

– Aryadeva

Presented by:

Reference books:
The Great Treatise Vol 3, by Lama Tsong Khapa
Steps on the Path VOL 5, by Geshe Sopa

Transcripts and powerpoints:
Notes from the BSP course lead by Geshe Tashi Tsering at Chenrezig Institute are available for LTC members from our top menu resources>course notes.

Australian Eastern Standard Time

Please make a donation:
You can make your donation now online, or when you arrive on the on the day (with cash or card). Thank you for your generosity! Your donation helps keep LTC flourishing and providing courses such as this. (The Zoom link will appear at the top of this page 15 minutes before the start.)

*Course Package includes soundfiles of each class (to catch-up or re-listen), the powerpoint slides, and transcripts from the course.

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