Tax Deductible Donations

All donations made to our Gompa Fund are tax-deductible. You can make a one-off donation or set up a regular contribution via GiveNow, the secure, online portal used by thousands of Australian charities and non-profits.

It’s easy to set up, and you are automatically sent regular receipts as well as end-of-financial-year group statements.

Donations made on holy days of the Buddhist calendar become especially powerful.

In contributing to a cause close to your heart, you create mountains of merit, and become part of Rinpoche’s Vast Visions!

As an FPMT centre, we have a responsibility to follow Rinpoche’s advice, including requests to provide support to a vast array of projects and causes. We seek to fulfil these requests to the best of our ability, and in the most appropriate manner that reflects our current resources.

Thank You For Your Generosity!

Donate to the projects on the links below. If you prefer, you can make a general donation directly into our bank account (please email to let us know).

Bank: ANZ
BSB: 014 508
Name: Langri Tangpa Centre Inc
Account: 498788594
Ref: eg “donation” or “puja”

Our Projects & Special Funds

Containers For Change

Image of bar code for LTC's Containers for Change

Make mountains of merit, not mountains of trash! A cleaner environment is possible, and it can help your LTC too! When you take your containers to a refund point, we’ll receive 10 cents for every eligible container you return! Scan this barcode when you deposit the containers. To find the location nearest you call 134 242 or visit the C4C website to search.

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Donation Total: $10 One Time

Donate for a Class

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Donation Total: $10 One Time