All Live Pujas (In-Person & Hybrid)

All Lineages Welcome!

We warmly invite students and practitioners from all traditions to attend our pujas! Practicing together as a community is both joyful and more powerful than as just one person. Whatever centre or tradition you are from, as Mahayana Buddhists we have many practices in common. We would like to share the energy of practicing together, enjoy the natural good-will of an often dispersed community of practitioners, and nurture an extended Brisbane Dharma community.

  • For puja days NOT scheduled on our calendar, you can still do the puja at home with our Practice Along program. This is a free resource of pre-recorded pujas that you can do in your own time on the day.

Join In-person or Online

These pujas are hybrid, so you can join live in the gompa or streamed online.

Everyone will have an opportunity to make a personal dedication if they wish, either in-person, online or in the chat.

  • Come along in-person to be inspired and invigorated by the energy of practicing together
  • Join us online, and enhance your practice with the inspiring imagery of the screenshare.