Lamrim Express EDipedia (Empty & Dependent)

Welcome to the Lamrim Express special resource – the EDipedia, Eddie’s homegrown wikipedia that is of course, empty and dependent! (Shall we go so far as to say, the eddiepeet-ia, perhaps? A glimpse into Eddies’ brain?)

This resource is an addition to the Lamrim Year Companion that is already online. This EDipedia adds in a wealth of suggested reading, daily meditations sourced from our favourite teachers, as well as meditations composed by LTC students.

Empty and Dependent

The Four EDipedia Sections at a Glance

At the moment this resource is just for Lamrim Express class presenters. (You need to be logged in for the EDipedia to show below)


The Lamrim Year is here, all 365 days (this is the same as in the book and on the Lamrim Year Companion website).


Curated meditations for each day’s topic from your favourite authors, Eddie and long-term LTC students.


The source material for the meditations – the meditation sections from your most loved lamrim books.


AI prompts (and their answers) from Eddie to help you compose your own meditations and explain the topics.