Discovering Buddhism Videos

FPMT Series

These are short yet profound videos, introduced by Richard Gere and Keanu Reeves, and with interviews with many high lamas as well as FPMT students.

1. Mind and Its Potential
2. How to Meditate
3. Presenting the Path
4. The Spiritual Teacher
5. Death and Rebirth
6. All About Karma
7. Refuge in the Three Jewels
8. Establishing a Daily Practice
9. Samsara and Nirvana
10. How to Develop Bodhicitta
11. Transforming Problems Into Happiness
12. Wisdom of Emptiness
13. Introduction to Tantra

First Class Taster

Sample the first class of each DB unit taught here at Langri Tangpa Centre. The full course can be found in the Soundfile & Video Archive (for LTC members), or in the Catch-up Classes if you have purchased a package.

Transforming Problems Into Happiness (Class 1)
Presenting the Path (Class 1)
How to Meditate (Class 1)
How to Develop Bodhicitta (Class 1)
Samsara and Nirvana (Class 1)
Mind and Its Potential (Class 1)
Introduction to Tantra (Class 1)
Orientation 2024