Business Information

Langri Tangpa Centre has no paid staff – we are run entirely by volunteers. Class teachers offer their time freely, and all classes are provided on a by-donation basis.

We rely on the financial support of members, friends, benefactors and bequests, and proceeds from a small shop servicing our students. Weekly class donations and membership fees help to keep the centre flourishing.


ABN: 49 770 532 185
Langri Tangpa Centre Inc. is fully audited, not-for-profit charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).

Banking Details

To make a general donation directly into our bank account (email to let us know).

Bank: ANZ
BSB: 014 508
Name: Langri Tangpa Centre Inc
Account: 498788594
Ref: eg “donation” or “puja”

Accredited Teachers

Our regular teachers are accredited with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), and the FPMT Curriculum forms the core of our program.

Tax Deductibility

The Centre has a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status and operates a tax-deductible fund under the name of Langri Tangpa Centre Inc Gompa Fund.

Tax deductible donations can be made in person at LTC, or via the secure GiveNow website, where tax-deductible receipts and EOFY group receipts are automatically issued.