Contribute to Geshe Zopa’s Health Care

46% funded

Our beloved Geshe Tenzin Zopa, the FPMT Australian touring geshe, continues to give in-depth and inspirational teachings every Sunday night on Youtube Live. These teachings are offered freely, at Geshe-la’s request.

Your donation will go towards helping to cover Geshe-la’s living expenses whilst he is here in Australia – which are the same as any householder – medical, food, accommodation, internet etc.

Help us reach our goal to offer $100 per week towards Geshe-la’s care! We invite you to contribute to these teachings in whatever way you can. We will make the offering every 3 months to Geshe-la on your behalf.

Donate below, or you can also donate directly via bank transfer: Langri Tangpa Centre Inc, ANZ Bank, BSB 014-508, Account 498788594, REF Zopa.

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Donation Total: $20 One Time