Merit Box
Rinpoche’s vast visions are truly mind-boggling! Donations to the merit box means that your donations go towards every single one of Rinpoche’s projects, as well as many give-where-most-needed funds and other FPMT centre projects around the world. LTC has already benefited from three Merit Box grants. All those coins add up to a sizable portion each year.
The International Merit Box Project, started in 2001, recently completed its 16th year of supporting projects and activities working to fulfill the FPMT mission. These funds come from offerings placed into Merit Boxes, which stand on home altars, and in FPMT centers and study groups all over the world. These offerings are collected once a year and become grants for a variety of Dharma activities.
They say that karmically, it is better that many people put in a few coins, that one person put in the whole amount. With the Merit Box, there are so many contributors the karma becomes strong and extensive.