Guru Bhumtsok Brisbane 2025
Langri Tangpa Centre is honoured to have been chosen by FPMT in Australia to host this year’s Guru Bhumtsok event, with Geshe Tenzin Zopa leading the puja. It is expected that most, if not all, Australian geshes will attend, and special guest will be Geshe Thubten Sherab!
The core of the sessions will consist of reciting 100,000 Tsok Offering prayers & mantras to Guru Rinpoche, accompanied by many musical instruments. We will also offer lights, flowers & incense. Everyone can participate.
The event is offered for Australian centres in a spirit of generosity, and all sanghas’ accommodation and travel is sponsored. In addition, delicious morning and afternoon teas and yummy lunches will be freely offered to all participants. There will be 100,000 flowers, food, incense, drinks and other tsok items – a cornucopia of blissful beneficence!
Registration is through FPMT-Australia The event will cost over $22,000 to hold and so therefore there will be opportunities to become a sponsor whether you attend in person or not. There are only 80 tickets available – places are limited.