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Medicine Buddha Puja

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Friday 15 November @ 7:00 pm 8:30 pm

Connect with the universal healing energy of the Buddha, avert sickness and disease, help those who passed away, and bless your medicines.

This popular puja is recommended by Lama Zopa Rinpoche as particularly effective during these difficult times. It is sung entirely in English, and enjoyed Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike.

Medicine Buddha is not just for illness, but for all flourishing and success in our Dharma practice and in our temporal life. The nectar of the Dharma helps create harmony, and to create positive environment for inner flourishing.

This puja helps to clear and avert obstacles due to sickness, diseases, and mental turmoil. In the ceremony we recite the special prayers to each of the seven healing Buddhas with their specific abilities and promises to help beings. Just hearing their names, and the many ways they promised to help beings, can help remove external obstacles and resolve internal problems.

There will be an opportunity to make personal dedications for friends and family, the sick and vulnerable, healing the planet and the end of the pandemic. We will also dedicate for success in all our studies and Dharma aspirations.

“This practice is especially beneficial if you are helping others, especially if you are doing healing work. It helps you to be more accurate and beneficial.”

– Lama Zopa Rinpoche

“Healing our mind is crucial, because otherwise our problems, which are beginningless, become endless. We may use medicine or some other external means to heal a particular disease, but the disease will return unless we heal our mind. If we do nothing to heal our mind, there is always the danger that we will again create the cause of the disease, that we will repeat the actions that caused us to become physically unhealthy. We will then experience the same illness in future lives, or even in this life.”

– Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Presented by:

Download the texts:
The Concise Essence Sutra Ritual of
Bhagavan Medicine Buddha called
The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel

If you are attending in person, remember to BYO medicines to be blessed during the ceremony. Please ensure any offerings are commercially packaged. They will be offered to the needy at a later date.

If you are joining us from home, download the text, set up some offerings, and arrange your medicines and vitamins to be blessed.

Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
535 Old Cleveland Road, Camp Hill, QLD 4152,

Donate to the Puja:
Donations made on Buddhist Holy Days are especially powerful. Your contribution here will go towards puja offerings, altar offerings, holy objects, and commissioned statues for LTC. (The Zoom link for hybrid or online events will appear at the top of this page 15 minutes before the start.)

*If you can’t make it to puja but still want to be involved, please email us in your dedication so we can read it at the puja.

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Donation Total: $10 One Time