A game with a difference, sharing our study and experiences on the path to enlightenment. Connect with fellow students, enjoy insights and laughter!
Invented and right here at LTC by Miffi – who printed and laminated every single card – this is a highly enjoyable way to integrate your Buddhist study and connect deeply with your Dharma buddies. We share stories of our own experiences, successes, and challenges along the Dharma path.
Integrating your study:
This game forms part of our Discovering Buddhism assessment. Rather than public exams or debates, we try to encourage non-confrontational (and highly enjoyable) ways to integrate Dharma study with lived experience.
Loosely based on Monopoly, this Buddhist game is played with unique lamrim cards that demonstrate how we can overcome negative mental factors, and how tenacious we have to be to develop our positive qualities! But unlike Monopoly, this game does not encourage you to become a real-estate mogul, but a fully enlightened buddha for the benefit of all!
We play in small groups, often in pairs so we can help each other. the game unfolds at a leisurely and enjoyable pace, with the aim to collect positive cards and discard negative ones as ‘true cessations’. There are various instruction cards to pick up, asking for examples from your own life, study or experience. There is a also booklet cheat-sheet with all the cards for your fellows players to give you hints and help!
Participants try to collect unique Buddhist cards and qualities to help us progress along the path. The deck is made up of 108 cards detailing the Six Perfections, 11 positive mental factors, 6 root delusions and 20 secondary afflictions, the Four Immeasurables, and other wild cards such as ‘bodhicitta’ and ‘guru devotion’.
Facilitated by:
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Thank you for your contribution. All our classes are by donation, and we rely on the generosity of people like you to help keep LTC flourishing and offering events such as this. (The Zoom link for hybrid or online classes will appear at the top of this page 15 minutes before the start.)
“What’s the point of listening, listening, listening to teachings, collecting words, but then not integrating what you’ve heard with your mind or gaining realizations? You have to integrate into experience whatever you understand. If you realize the teachings beyond words, you’ll really be able to solve your inner problems.”
– Lama Thubten Yeshe